Sunday, October 22, 2006

I Forgive, a self-counsel to start your day!

I forgive myself for everything I held against myself by remembering and reminding myself over and over of all the hurt I carried all these years. I am free, no longer imprisoned in a world of my subjective troubling memories.

As I forgive myself, I penetrate the layers of the unconscious and impress it with a new blueprint -- that of acceptance, beauty, abundance and love. I plant new seeds for the continual growth of my mental powers.

I forgive myself and everyone who has played a part in my movie of life whereby I cast them as an extra.....yes, I cast them...and they replicated roles unworthy of their true character.

Armed with forgiveness, I choose to stop re-enacting unhappy scenes from the past. I forgive before I fall asleep, and I forgive before my eyes look on this new day. And as I forgive I remove my spiritual blinders and open the windows of my soul to all the riches of life.

I have made a decision. I choose to re-imagine, re-frame, rewrite, and re-edit my life rather than recast and rerun the old negative TV series and radio broadcasts on the screen of my mind. Yes, today I go cold turkey.

I am discovering that the All-Originating Love is the only creative power in all world-systems. I am realizing that all of my erroneous thoughts and actions to which my feelings gave rise never separated me from Divine Love.

I now make the first move towards reconciliation and am brought into conscious realization of that reciprocal communication with the Source of Life.

Infinite Love is the essence of my true being. I feel renewed, uplifted, and released.

Each and every time I focus my thoughts on worthwhile goals, I feel a river of peace surge through me. I have confidence in the Healer Within to restore a perfect balance in all and through all. As a result of this shift in awareness, I walk away from old conversations about lack and avoid what for me alone is negative to my heart and mind.

I am willingly surrendering all sense of worthlessness, powerlessness, and helplessness. Yes, I am giving up all memories that are negative or hurtful for something positive, abundantly delightful, and healthful. That would be ME.

How good it feels to move beyond past memories, childhood mistakes and confusion. I have my dream-seeds in hand. I choose to replant, fertilize, and nurture the love within myself. I choose wholeness of mind. I choose happiness.

I am a child of the I AM, an "heir according to the promise." I live in an imaginal universe capable of using the laws of the unseen side of things. As I look around at the world it becomes a testimony to the stability of the foundation on which my dream is based.

Today I renew my relationship with all of life. I begin a fresh, positive dialogue with those I meet. I rise up in imagination. I give thanks for my triumphant way of living. I walk in the direction of the fulfillment of my dream. I am so grateful and happy that I choose to practice the art of forgiving!

Melissa Zollo : Author of "Discover the Power of Imagination" and How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money. Her website is Sign up for her free newsletter.

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