Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Prosperity Game

What is the Prosperity Game? As the name says, it is a game which aims primarily at increasing your wealth thermostat so you can attract and feel comfortable using more and more money, and, by focusing on the subject, you end up accepting more of it into your life. The idea is very simple. Remember your home thermostat: it works by default. Harv Eker -- says that when you have your thermostat at 72 degrees, no matter how hot or how cold the temperature is outside, it will always compensate to increase or decrease the inside temperature to keep it at 72. The same happens with money.

Our major example is the lottery: suddenly people make millions of dollars only to lose everything down the road. Why? Because their money thermostat is much lower, and hence, by default, it has to come down. On the other hand, you also have the millionaires who suddenly lose everything and soon later, become millionaires again. Guess why?

So the Prosperity Game was created. There are many versions, but I recommend The Prosperity Partnership--, though I like the older version better for it is less limiting. Now, you may ask: Why do I want to increase my money thermostat and be more prosperous, more abundant? And my answer is very simple: Why not? Money may not bring happiness, but wouldn’t you rather be depressed sitting by your pool in your beautiful and comfortable home, in which garage sits your fantastic new car?

Anyway. Before I found out about these games, I had been playing my very own version. It goes like this: I am driving or doing something where I am absolute captive of my space and time, taking the shower, for example. There is no escape for my thoughts and they better be good ones. So, I imagine having great wealth. In fact, I imagine having an unlimited amount of money. Then I start by distributing my money to the people who have helped me financially in the many stages of my life when my thermostat was really low. They will be refunded 10 fold. I figure this is a good amount. So, for example, my cousins gave me $500 once. I will give them $5000; my son’s school helped his education with tuition assistance. They will get about $200000; and son on.

Next, come the members of my family and my close friends. My sister-in-law Sonia will get an apartment at her favorite beach. She loves the beach and is a sun worshiper. My sister Cora will get a beautiful furnished apartment close to her work. She also gets a laser surgery to get rid of those thick glasses. My brother Alex will get a weekend, fantastic home in the country. And so on and so forth.

Last—or first, it matters not—come my favorite philanthropic dreams: I will buy a huge piece of land and make lovely homes and send all the homeless people who want to relocate to the place. Each family gets a furnished home. I will then create some type of activity where they can exploit their talents and make money doing what they love. I also will create two associations to help women, one of them building a place where single mothers in welfare may go to work and while there are cared for, in the same building. There will be a beautiful area for nursery etc and the mothers will be sewing fabric bags and purses (among other things) to make some money. They will all have free lunch and snacks before they are bused home. The other one is my animal sanctuary, where I will rescue all the neglect animals and have them live in peace and health for the rest of their days. I will have at least one horse that will never be mounted and a calf that will wean naturally. My chickens will run free and every animal will have its space to roam free. I now need to think how I am going to separate the predators from the other animals.

And on my imagination goes. Of course, I make sure that I attach a certain figure to each of my projects, just so the game has a more specific value. This is a great game and I invite you to play it as often as you wish. It is absolutely liberating and makes me feel fantastic. Try it.

Last note: I play the game on myself and my son as well. And we always come first, as it should be. Have fun!

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