Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Confessions of a former man-hater, III

This thought kept churning in my head, and then it dawned on me the truth of my reality, our contemporary reality. The problem we are facing today, more than ever is that we lost the awareness that happiness and fulfillment as well as unhappiness and divorce are truly a woman’s doing. In other words, a relationship can be happy or lasting. If it is happy (no matter low long it lasts), it is because of the woman. If, on the other hand, it is lasting but unhappy, it is the man’s doing: he just puts up with his woman’s demands. That is all. Let me repeat: happy relationship equals women's responsibility; unhappy but lasting relationships equals men's responsiblity. Let me be clear, here. Of course, there are many instances where happiness is a product of both husband and wife's work of love, but what you see around is that this instance is more of the exception than the rule.

I know I may be attacked by many when I say this, but I truly believe that, once a man is committed to a relationship, only in his spouse (or whatever you call us: partners, significant others, wives, fiancées, girlfriends, etc.) lies the responsibility to keep the relationship or to make it a happy one. Think about this. You can ask any man and he will tell you that he will do anything to please his spouse. Anything! Can women say the same thing? I can’t, and I am but one in this vast ocean of demanding women in our Western culture.

It is my belief that it is the woman who drives her man away. Women have so many expectations that have no basis whatsoever that, when these expectations are not met, which will inevitably happen, they start a series of bitching and provocations that will eventually destroy their relationship, or at least, make it unbearable.

So, I started to write the book, scolding women for provoking chaos and unhappiness. I wanted to support men, the regular guy, the average Joe. I wanted to make sure my readers understood that, as an author and a woman, I had no agenda other than honoring ordinary, hard-working, good men. I had no intention to discuss any group in particular, be it criminals, conservatives, liberals, gays, anti-feminists, pro-feminists, movie stars, politicians, rappers, jocks, rapists, etc. Also, I had no intention to make of this book an academic essay, though coming from academia, I find it a rather difficult task. And, at present, I still don’t have any of these intentions.

But, along the way, I had an epiphany. No, it was not an epiphany: I was told blatantly to leave men in peace and not meddle in their affairs. I, who was only trying to help them, was cast away. They thought that only they can redeem themselves. So be it. With the tail between my legs, I stopped trying to be their “princess in armor,” and, not at all discouraged, I decided to change my whole approach. I turned my book into a woman’s book, so she can understand who she is dealing with. You will have a chance of reading it, whether you are a man or a woman. I am sure it will resonate some with you.

What you are going to read is my way of healing the wounds and injuries that I (as well as many women my generation and beyond) have inflicted or are inflicting upon our fellow male companions during what should be a delightful journey on this earth but which, more often than not, is just a plain nightmarish voyage.

I will let you know when it comes out. If nothing, you will be entertained.

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