Sunday, October 09, 2005

Confessions of a former man-hater, II

My son Alex learned about the world of women came from slow indoctrination, based mostly on situations derived from films and not real life. I am at fault, for, by abstaining of having one, I prevented him to learn about true relationships between a man and a woman. Films were my tools, for I believe that art imitates life, except that in movies people always find a convenient parking spot.

As we sat together to watch movies, I taught him how to deal with situations regarding romantic relationships. Comments such: when you have a quarrel and the woman says: “go away, I will never want to see you again,” what she means is perhaps: “please, stay and show me you love me.” Of course, those teachings are never factual, for one never knows what passes through a woman’s head, really; not even us. Women are emotional beings, everyone knows that.

This is nothing new. And, of course, men know this very well, too. This is just one example of many situations that happen in real life between men and women. In any case, based on this type of situations I taught my son to behave in relationships with women. Of course, he learned through my own experience, through the eyes of an overly emotional, albeit strong, woman; Theory is not practice, however, and God knows what will happen when he will be faced with a real life situation.

But, as I was saying, Alex is now a young man, and despite all my preaching, I see in him the characteristics of all the men I have ever known: father, brothers, relatives, friends, lovers, preachers, teachers, and general acquaintances. There is no denying; he has the male blueprint. Testosterone. Boy will be boys; men are men. Now, how bad is this, you may ask?

From the standpoint of a feminist, this is absolutely unacceptable. I would not be caught dead living with a guy like this, though he is a sensitive, right-brain kind of a guy. Our compatibility is striking. So why would I have problems living with a man like my son, totally compatible with me, a very nice men, to put it mildly, understanding and sensitive to women’s issues, loving and caring, helpful and friendly, expressive in his love and attentive, intelligent and funny, considerate and just, artistic and philosophical… you got the picture, in sum, a real dream man?

Is it because I have to ask him several times to please, take the garbage out or, could you please, for once, find what you are looking for without requesting my help, or, aren’t you going to comb your hair today? What stupid reasons are those? And then I asked myself: what kind of a woman am I? What is wrong with me? Can’t I understand and accept men as they are? And how many millions of women are just like me, even to a lesser extent; women who are making their men’s lives so utterly miserable? So, then, I kept thinking: Heck! If Alex gets a woman like me, he will be in big trouble. I need to wake him up for what is really happening today regarding relationships… to be continued

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